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Project Detail

Feasibility Study, Detailed Engineering Design, Drawing and Construction Supervision of Abukhaireni Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Tanahun under Western Region Design, Supervision and Management Consultant (WRDSMC) (ADB Loan No.3157 - NEP)


Project Description

Assisted RPMO in overall planning, implementation and  monitoring of the project during all stages of implementation including adherence to all environmental and social safeguard requirements; Accommodate changes in feasibility study; Conducted Detailed Engineering survey of water supply system; Preparation of Master Plan for Solid Waste Management, local government capacity to manage waste, practicing 3R principles, storm water drainage master plan, Urban  Planning  for water supply, solid waste management and storm water drainage, Conducted lEE and social· safeguard works including assessment of land acquisition, compensation, resettlement and relocation issues; Developed socio-economic profile, benefit monitoring evaluation, preparation of detailed engineering design, working drawings, cost estimates, technical specification, and tender document; Provided technical and institutional development training to WUSC representatives and institutional formation of WUSC; Prepared a master plan for solid waste management, and storm-water drainage master plan. Full time supervision and monitoring the construction works, prepare measurements for works completed and in progress and verified IPCs for payment to the contractors; Examined contractor's claims for time extension, variations etc. and recommended appropriate decisions; Assisted RPMO / PMO in resolution of contractual issues and overall contract management; Training Needs Assessment (TNA); Trainings on Capacity Building/ institutional development, Training of Trainers (TOT), Contract Management etc. to RPMO, WUSC and local bodies; Orientations on project scope, detail design, contractual provisions, financial aspects, social and environmental safeguard concerns to stakeholders of the project including Water Users Committee (WUSC) and different representatives from contractor and RPMO; Provided support in setting up systems and processes required for smooth implementation of daily project activities such as project accounting, OA/QC etc. for this DSMC team coordinated with local stakeholders and the RPMO; Prepared Resettlement Plan (RP) and  integrated in the indicators related to gender, social inclusion and poverty in all activities; Prepared Gender Action Plan as per ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (SPS);Implemented Out Put Based Aid (OBA) in both water supply and sanitation components targeting the poor selected under the project's OBA guideline; Supported the WUSC in strengthening their capacity as a local institution-regarding administrative, financial, managerial, and organizational aspects for implementation phase and 0& M phase; Prepared OA/QC manual, operations manual to ensure the designed standard of the Project service delivery; Prepare Contract Administrative Manual; Conducted field verification of completed project infrastructures and monitored contractor's "as built drawings" Supported for preparation of 0&M  manual in clear and User-friendly language;  Assisted WUSC and RPMO in monitoring the performance of the contractor during operation's period; Assisted RPMO and WUSC/Local Body implementation of GESI Action Plan and CAPP; Supervised for implementation of Environmental Management Plan (EMP) and its multi-stake holders monitoring; Conducted training on institutional and capacity Enhancement for WUSC for stronger institutional role, coordination with the municipality and financial intermediary (TDF), Supervised on proper establishment of water quality  test lab  and  conducted  orientations for  its operation and maintenance.