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Project Detail

Management Support Consultant for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Improvement Project (RWSSIP) Component - 2: Promoting long - term Sustainability of Community Managed Water Supply Schemes – Management Consultant (WB Financed)


Project Description

The RWSSIP C2 development objective is to support PMU and develop and implement a support mechanism for promoting/ensuring long-term sustainability of community managed water supply schemes in the selected pilot districts/municipalities through PMU within the MoWS. To achieve the objective, Component-2 aims to develop the institutional arrangements (national level, municipality level & community level) and build capacity for long-term support mechanisms. At the national level, a Project Steering Committee (PSC) has been set up to provide guidance and oversight to both the components. In the municipality level, permanent WASH units has to be established to manage C2 activities within each district/municipality, including the hiring of District Support Organization for Sustainability (D-SOS) consultant to undertake the bulk of the long-term support functions.

In this regard, the primary purpose of hiring the PST (Management Consultant) is to support PMU in implementing / managing the overall C2 activities including institutional arrangement and their capacity building/strengthening, as well as providing support to D/M-WASH units in managing the district / municipality level project C2 activities.