Review of DPRs: The consultant team reviewed different projects reports as designated by project office prepared by DSC. The scope of work has been precisely defined by the objectives which can be further be elaborated as follows: Review of detail project reports prepared by DSC, Assist the Project Management Office (PMO) team with contract Management, Review of feasibility survey reports, Review of Co-financing WSSP, analysis of the report and conclusion on implementation of project and need of re-design. The project Management office conducted some feasibility studies and preparation of detailed project reports each year so as to form a project bank of feasible projects. Hence, the consultant reviewed those reports, suggest corrections and recommendations in terms of sanitary, civil, electro-mechanical, social and financial aspects.
Ongoing Design Review and project monitoring: The consultant team conducted frequent visits of different Sahalagani WSSP's under implementation. The Team provided the monthly visit schedule to the PMO and visited projects with prior consent. During these visit, the team monitored all activities of project construction, prepared the community to own and manage the project and conducted on-going design review. The findings of monitoring were reported to project office and recommendations including need of joint-monitoring and design change (alter) were incorporated in monthly reports.
Contract Management: The Consultant team assisted the PMO team with Contract Management. All tender documents were checked by the team prior to the procurement process. During contractual process, the team assisted the PMO with evaluation of bids. After agreement with the contractor for construction of project, the consultant team assisted PMO with contract management and studied & suggested regarding design change, extension of time, variations, claims etc.
Project Monitoring: The consultant team prepared a monitoring plan and submitted with inception report. The team conducted monitoring as per the approved monitoring plan. The consultant team conducted field visits and reported to PMO as per PMO directions and site conditions. The team conducted field visits during emergencies and special conditions in site and in the periods mentioned in monitoring plan and as directed by PMO. The team reported to PMO about the conditions and suggested and recommended for better performance and trouble shooting of problems. The details of project monitoring were incorporated in monthly report.