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Project Detail

Design, Supervision and Management Consultant (DSC05) of Kathmandu Valley Water Supply Improvement Project


Project Description

Manuals, Guidelines and Commissioning Plans, Survey, Studies and Investigations, Detailed Engineering Design and Bid Documents Preparation, Social Environmental, Archaeological, Occupational Health and Safety, Community Participation and Gender Issues during the Detailed Design Phase, Construction Supervision And Contract Administration , Project Management and Monitoring Support, Prepare a detailed implementation schedule and work plan for all activities under the project; Build capacity of the PID on a regular basis in planning and managing the project; Provide all necessary support to the PID in communicating; Assist PID in conducting regular meetings; Provide assistance to PID finance section in conducting financial accounting and preparing project accounting; Assist the PID in administering the loan in accordance with ADB's disbursement guidelines; Establish all necessary records and the procedures of maintaining / updating such records; Establish system for smooth and timely funds flow from ADB and govrnment to PID and contractors; Develop and implement procedure for timely payments to the contractors and monitor for compliance; Assist the PID in establishing, as per the Projects Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF), and implementing the PPMS for the project, Ensuring compliance with all loan covenants during project implementation; Establishing a grievance redress mechanism for the project acceptable to ADB.