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Project Detail

Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Urban and Environmental Improvement Project (UEIP), Hetauda [ADB Loan No 1966 NEP (SF)] ICB Contract)


Project Description

The project consists of five sub-projects as follows: 

Water Supply Sub-project:(ICB Contract)

Detail engineering design and construction supervision of Gravity flow Water Supply System / 5 Nos. of Water Tank, Sewerage system/Water treatment plant / Sewerage Treatment Plant, Stream Intake, Financial and economical analysis etc.

 Main Town Scheme: The sub-project includes the rehabilitation and extension of the existing water supply schemes to improve the overall water supply situation of the Hetauda Municipality. The Scheme comprises detailed engineering survey, design and construction supervision of infiltration gallery,500 m3 capacity grounf tank,; Rehabilitation of the main town area scheme (the main town area scheme serves the core areas of the Hetauda Municipality in wards 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10), 

Chaugadha scheme: The sub-project includes the rehabilitation and extension of the existing water supply schemes to improve the overall water supply situation of the Hetauda Municipality. The Scheme comprises detailed engineering survey, design and construction supervision of the Chaugadha scheme (this scheme serves ward no. 6 of Hetauda Municipality).

Lamasuredanda scheme: The sub-project includes the rehabilitation and extension of the existing water supply schemes to improve the overall water supply situation of the Hetauda Municipality. The Scheme comprises detailed engineering survey, design and construction supervision of the Lamasuredanda scheme (this scheme serves ward no. 9). 

Kamane scheme: The sub-project includes the rehabilitation and extension of the existing water supply schemes to improve the overall water supply situation of the Hetauda Municipality. The Scheme comprises detailed engineering survey, design and construction supervision of the Kamane scheme (this scheme serves ward no. 8). 


Total HH-9500 and population 50000, Rehabilitation of gravity flow infiltration gallery, 3 Nos. of 250m3, 450m3 and 650m3 capacity OHTs, 4 nos. of treatment plant, Rehabilitation of 96.53 km water supply main and distribution line including DI pipe

Sanitation & Sewerage Sub-project: (ICB Contract)

There are three nos. of combined sewerage system there are three schemes name as raptiu 1, rapti 2 and karra system of 13 km length with 1500mm to 200mm dia. RCC Hume pipe with reed bed treatment plant each on the banks of rapti and karra rivers serves wards 1,2,4,5 and 10 of hetauda municipality. The sub-project includes construction of sewerage system and procurement of sewer cleaning devices and vehicles.

Up gradation of Urban Road: 12.8 km i) Buspark to Bhutan Devi – 2km, ii) Kanti Raj Path – 1km and iii) other internal Road 9.8km 

River Training Works (Rapti and Karra River Bank Protection Work):It involves construction of river embankments to protect against erosion, from rapti & karra rivers in wards 1, 11 & 4 respectively. 

Supplementary Urban Facilities: The detailed design and construction supervision has to be conducted for (i) Small Urban Community Facilities and (ii) Revenue Generating Urban Facilities. 

Small Urban Community Facilities: Detailed design and construction supervision of facilities like Public Toilets, Public recreation park etc. 

Revenue Generating Urban Facilities: Feasibility study, detailed design and construction supervision of facilities like Bus Park, Market Places, Slaughter House, Vegetable Market, Meat market etc.