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Project Detail

Socio Economic survey, Feasibility Study and Detail Engineering Design for Damak, Phidim ,Letang, Charali, Indrapur (Koshi Haraicha) Municipality small town water supply and Sanitation projects Funded by ADB Loan no: 1722(NEP)-SF


Project Description

Damak Municipality: The service area covers ward no 1-15 of Damak Municipality. Total HH was 5779 and population was 29403.The project consists of Structural Design of RCC Overhead tank of capacity 450m3, 84.08 km pipe length and treatment plants, 4.263 Km line of sewerage drain, Treatment Plant consisting of RBTs – 2 nos. with grit chamber, outfall structure, Public Toilet 2 nos. The water supply pipe size used in the project area of 350,300,280,250,200mm DI, GI and HDPE. The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is unique of its kind in Nepal, based on community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.


Phidim Municipality: Phidim Project is located at Patchther district of Mechi zone in Eastern Development Region.The service area covers ward no 1-5 of Phidim Municipality. Total HH was 1605 and population was 8521.The project consists of structural design of ground reservoirs, treatment plants, house connections,53.629 km pipe length, Sedimentation tank, Grit removal chamber ,slow sand Filter, Detail of water supply pipe size 350,280,250,220 DI, GI and HDPE. The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is unique of its kind in Nepal, based on community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.


Letang Municipality: Letang Project is located at Morang district of Koshi zone in Eastern Development Region. The service area covers ward no 1-9 of Letang Municipality. Total HH was 3238 and population  was 16894.The project consists of R.C.C overhead tank, house connections, drainage and sewerage line of 2.5 km, Infiltration well, Roughening filter, Slow sand Filter, ground reservoir,64.132 km pipe length, Pipe size of 280, 250, 200mm of DI, GI and HDPE pipe and treatment plants.The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is unique of its kind in Nepal, based on community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.


Indrapur (Koshi Haraicha) Municipality: Indrapur Project is located at Morang district of Koshi zone in Eastern Development Region. The service area covers ward no 1-9 of Indrapur (Koshi Haraicha) Municipality. Total HH was 3537 and population  was 18578.The project consists of R.C.C overhead tank, household connections, deep boreholes,46.011 Km pipe length, treatment Plant etc.The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is unique of its kind in Nepal, based on community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.


Charali Municipality: Charali Project is located at Jhapa district of Mechi zone in Eastern Development Region. The service area covers ward no 1-9 of Charali Municipality. Total HH was 2075 and population was 10811.The project consists of R.C.C overhead tank, Ground Reservoir, household connections, deep boreholes, 54.763 Km pipe length, treatment Plant etc.The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is unique of its kind in Nepal, based on community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.