The Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), under the Ministry of Urban Development, through the Government of Nepal has received Loan 2650-NEP: Secondary Towns Urban Environmental Improvement Project (STIUEIP) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of the Project. The Project is intended to support Government of Nepal's (GoN) priorities (a) in provision of environmental infrastructure improvements to secondary urban centres (b) in poverty alleviation (c) in decentralization of authority and (d) in strengthening local municipal institutional capabilities. The Project is intended to support the overarching role of ADB's Country Operational Strategy (COS), which is to achieve a sustainable reduction in poverty through (i) generation of productive employment opportunities and increased incomes resulting from faster, broad-based economic growth (ii) equitable improvements in basic social services to enhance human development, resulting in reduction of population growth, and (iii) protection and improvement of the environment to sustain gains.
In the context, the Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision (DEDCS) Consultants of the three municipalities of Banepa, Panauti and Dhulikhel under a contract with UEIP had prepared final detailed engineering design report for the Kavre Valley Integrated Water Supply Scheme (KVIWSS). The engineering design of all components is prepared based upon the final feasibility study report submitted on August 2007 and detailed feasibility study report submitted on February 2010 by the consortium. The project is formulated integrating three major sub project systems; Dhulikhel Municipality Water Supply Sub project System, Banepa Municipality Water Supply Sub Project System and Panauti Municipality Water Sub Project Supply System for distributing treated water supply to the respective municipalities. Considering design, topography and construction point of view, a Regional Sub Project System consisting mainly intakes, transmission line from sources and a common water treatment plant has been developed sharing water supply to above mentioned three sub project systems.
Regional Sub project System: Regional sub project system consists of construction of 5 intakes, separate transmission pipelines from 5 water sources i.e. Muldol khola, Sisakhani khola, BahiraMahadev khola, Gudgude khola and Khar khola, a combined transmission pipeline from Khar khola confluence point and a common water treatment plant at Devisthan. The common water treatment plant consists of construction of different units of water treatment components such as sedimentation tank, roughening filter, slow sand filter, rapid sand filter, backwash tank and laboratory/guard house. The treated water out from the common treatment plant at Devisthan will be carried out by a common transmission line up to the road junction at Chaukot and then transmission main will be split up into two separate lines, one for Banepa Sub project System and other for Dhulikhel Sub project System. The transmission main from treatment plant to road junction at Chaukot is included in Regional System
Dhulikhel Municipality Sub project System :Dhulikhel Municipality is located 32-Km north-east from Kathmandu along the Arniko highway. The total household of Dhulikhel is 3,291 and the total population is 16,263 in 2011 census. The municipality has 12.08 km2area. Annual population growth rate is 2.3 % with an average household size of 5 (Census 2011). Among the three municipalities Dhulikhel has a relatively better water system. The municipality is partially served by a system built in 1987, which draws water from Khar Khola and serves the main urban area within ward nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5. However, situation of water supply in other wards namely 1, 6, 7, 8 and 9 including the premises of Kathmandu University is inadequate with poor service level. The Dhulikhel Municipality Sub project System of the project will serve areas of ward nos. 1,6,7,8 and 9 through new and existing distribution pipeline networks. This sub project system consists of laying of transmission and distribution pipelines, construction of KUPS RVT, Pipalbot RVT, Devisthan RVT, Thakurigaon RVT, pump houses and sump wells at 2 places for irrigation purpose and inter-connections between new and existing systems. This system also uses the existing overhead reservoir tank at Bakhundole and construction of a new ground RVT at Bansghari replacing under construction overhead tank. The rehabilitation and extension of existing distribution components will also be under this sub project system.
Banepa Municipality Sub project System: Banepa is situated at an elevation of about 1,495m above mean sea level (msl) in the Mahabharata Range. The municipality is 26km east of Kathmandu along the Arniko Highway. It consists of 11 wards with 24,894 population and 5,546 households (Census 2011).It’s annual growth rate is 2.5% with an average household size of 5 (Census 2011). There are several water supply sub-systems in operation in supplying drinking water to Banepa Municipality. The 2 major systems are operated by Nepal Water Supply Corporation (NWSC). These systems serve primarily the built-up core areas of the Municipality. Inadequacy of available water quantity and supply hours in the existing systems and poor water quality add up to the woes of the urban population in the municipality. At present about 33% of the total municipal population of Banepa in ward nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 is served by the NWSC operated systems. The water supply sub-systems presently operating in Banepa Municipality are Sashipani and Dhaneshwor water supply systems serving primarily in the built-up core areas and operated by NWSC. Chandeswori water supply system is managed by WUSC. Banepa sub project system consists of construction and/or rehabilitation of Sashipani source and water treatment plants (WTP) at Sashipani and Dhaneswor, new RVTs at Kuikel and Magargoan, transmission lines from Shreekhandapur junction (Chaukot) to Sashipani, Dhaneshwor, Kuikelgoan and Magargoan RVTs, distribution pipelines and inter- connections between new and existing systems.
Panauti Municipality Sub-project System: Panauti Municipality lies 32 km South-East of Kathmandu Valley. The total population is 28,312 (Census 2011) of which Newars are the predominant ethnic group and the total municipal area is about 31.73 km2 with total household of 5,956. It’s annual growth rate is 2.5% with an average household size of 4.75 (Census 2011). About 40% of the total households live in urban areas. An average 93% population of the municipality depends upon agriculture as their occupation. Panauti municipality has 13 wards and is the largest in area and population among the three municipalities. The water supply system for the core bazaar area is operated and managed by NWSC. This system serves about 500 private house connections and 55 common tap stands. Water for this system is tapped from two sources, Haridole and MulKhola and transmitted by pipelines to existing four reservoirs (22, 30, 150 and 500 m3) to serve the core bazaar areas only. There are a number of small rural independent systems, which supply to isolated areas within the municipality. The overall situation of water supply in Panauti Municipality is very poor. The supply during the wet season is for a few hours, but worsens greatly during the dry season. There is great demand for better and higher level of services in the town, but lack of system capacity does not permit extension of the present services. This sub-project system consists of WTPs at Salle and Chamkharka areas, RVTs at Devisthan, Salle, Chamkharka, Sundarbasti, transmission pipelines to Pasthali, Salle and Chamkharka, distribution pipelines and inter-connections between new and existing systems. There are also electrical transmission lines with 25 kVA transformer, RVT and water treatment unit (pressure filter) in the existing system supplying to core bazar areas.