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Project Detail

Review of Detailed Engineering Design, Construction Supervision, Management, Implementation and Monitoring of Tikapur_Kailali Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project under Western Regional Design Supervision and Management Consultant (WRDSMC) (Funded by ADB Loan No. 3157 NEP ) at Tikapur Municipality, Kailali


Project Description

The project is located at Tikapur Municipality in Kailali, Province No. 7. The services area of the project covers ward no. 3,4,6,7 and 8 of Tikapur Municipality in Kailali. Design population 98,010 for design year 2036.

Major components of the Project:

10 numbers of deep borings, 3 numbers of 450 Cum RCC- OHT,  Pumping Stations, Pumping mains, 192 km of  distribution network, electromechanical component with pumps and accessories, generator, operator house, boundary wall, turfing work, WUSC Office Building, Guard house, Lavatory – 1 no., Institutional Toilet- 6 nos., Public Toilet- 3 nos., 861 nos. toilets under OBA Program, etc.

The project has been implemented with WUSC 5% and TDF 25% loan & GoN 70% to the water supply component under ADB loan. The Project is based on Community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.