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Project Detail

Design and Supervision and Management Consultant for Detailed Design Engineering including preparation of Tender Document and Construction Supervision of Centralized Wastewater Treatment Plants (WWTP), Intercepting Sewer Lines, Neighborhood Sewer Network and Decentralized Wastewater Treatment Systems (DWaST) in Kathmandu Valley.


Project Description

Component 1: Rehabilitation and Expansion of Sewerage Network

i) Sub- Project 1: Neighborhood Sewers Improvement

Scope under Sub- project 1 are: i) Rehabilitation of existing combined sewers (100 km); ii) New laying in unsewered areas (75 km) and connecting new customers, iii) Rehabilitation of laterals (10 km); iv) New collectors along Kodku khola and Sallaghari (5 km); v) Cleaning of existing sewers.

ii) Sub – Project 2: Expansion of interceptor sewers (37 km) on both sides of (Manohara, Hanumante Rivers and its tributaries in KV and rehabilitation of existing sewers including old interceptors constructed under IDA funding and purchase of adequate sewer cleaning/ jetting trucks (10) and associated equipment.

Component 2 of Modernization, expansion and construction of wastewater treatment plants

iii) Sub- Project 3: Modernization, rehabilitation and construction of WWTPs

Rehabilitate, construct and increase capacity of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in Kathamndu to serve about 29% of the population connected to sewer system in 2020.

Capacity of WWTPs will be: Sallaghari (14.2 MLD), Kodku (17.5 MLD), Dhobighat (37.0 MLD) and Guheshwori (32.4 MLD) and construct DWATs in unserved upstream areas with community participation.

iv) Sub – Project 4: Sludge management and energy generation

Construction of power plants 230 KW in Guheshwori and 204 kW in Dhobighat with total power production of 434 kW including GIS based septic collection system, data base development of 50,000 households, procurement of 10 sludge collection tankers and by – product development and management.

Component 3: Project implementation assistance

v) Sub- Project 5 – Enhancement of water and sewerage management using GIS

Enhancement of urban wastewater management with GIS – updating of sewerage geographical information system (GIS), KUKL customer database for sewerage connection and septic collection and operationalization of asset management plan.

vi) Sub- Project 6 – Support for project management and capacity building and training

Capacity development, improvement of governance of the three institutions working in urban water and wastewater in Kathmandu Valley for; (a) improvement of service delivery to customers; (b)community participation and public education for health, hygiene and behavior change in water conservation, good wastewater management practices. The project management consulting services and training during loan implementation will assist the implementing agencies (IAs) to: c) become operationally efficient and financially sustainable entities, d) comply with all relevant national policies for cost recovery, tariff and enterprise reforms of the wastewater sector to continue existing Capacity Building and Public Private Partnership support team (CBP); e) develop soundly based operation and maintenance (O & M) plans for future service provision commercial growth; f) develop a public awareness training program on environmental protection and socil impact monitoring and g) gender equality and social inclusion action plan.