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Project Detail

Detailed Engineering Design and Construction Supervision of Bagmati Area Physical Infrastructure Development Project, Kathmandu Metropolitan City.


Project Description

The project consists of four sub-projects as follows:


Project contract no :  BASP 001/064-065

Location:Gokarna to Guheshwori, Municipal Trunk Sewer : 6 Km (300 mm to 800 mmdia), Metallic Road: 1.8 km,Asphalt Concreting: 8.00m wide

Total Project Cost. was : NRs. 12,97,44,552.94


Project contract no :  BASP 002/064-065

Location:Tilganga to Sinamangal, Municipal Trunk Sewer : 2.019 km (400mm to 700 mm dia)Metallic Road:2.00 km, Asphalt Concreting: 8.00m wide

Total Project Cost. was : NRs. 12,92,01,865.15


Project contract no :  BASP 003/064-065

Location:Tilganga to Sinamangal, Municipal Trunk Sewer : 2.341 km (600 mm to 120 mm dia) Metallic Road: 2.00 km, Asphalt Concreting: 8.00m wide

Total Project Cost. was : NRs.13,73,67,030.95


Detail Engineering Survey & Design Work:

Location:Minbhawan to Sankhamul, Municipal Trunk Sewer : 4.159 km to truck sewer of RCC Hume pipe (300 mm to 1200 mm dia) Metallic Road:4.00 km, Asphalt Concreting: 8.00m wide, Bio – engineering works: 9832 sqm