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Project Detail

Western Region Design, Supervision and Management Consultant (WRDSMC) (ADB Loan No.3157 - NEP), Suda Third Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project: Feasibility Study and Detail Engineering Design of Suda Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project


Project Description

Suda: The project is located at Suda Municipality in Kanchanpur district in western development region. The services area of the project area is 2,352 and 13,378 population. The project consists of 3 # of OHTs 300,200 and 50 cum, Detailed Master Plan, Surface Drainage 14 Km, Solid Waste Management works including Master Plan Development, Design of collection centers, Segregating station/ transfer Unit, Composting facilities,  Pressure Treatment plants, office building, guard house, 98.64 km pipe length, 1 public toilets etc.


The project has been implemented with WUSC 5% and TDF 25% loan & GoN 70% to the water supply component under ADB loan. The Project is based on Community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.