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Project Detail

Feasibility Study and Detail Engineering Design, Drawings and Documentation and Preparation of Bid Document of Amargadhi, Dadeldhura Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project under Western Regional Design Supervision and Management Consultant (WRDSMC)


Project Description

The project is located at Amargadhi Municipality in Dadeldhura District in western development region Province No. 7. The Service area of the project covers ward no. 2, 4, 5, 8 of Amargadhi municipality. The total household in the project area is 1050 and 8325 population. The project consists of 1 no. of 300 cum ground reservoir, treatment plants (sedimentation tank, Roughening filter, slow sand filter), office building, guard house, 55.798 km pipeline (transmission-28.027 km and distribution-27.771 km), 1 public toilet etc.

The project has been implemented with WUSC 5% and TDF 25% loan & GoN 70% to the water supply component under ADB loan. The Project is based on Community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPLA.