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Project Detail

Second Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project Master Planning, Urban planning, Feasibility study; Detailed Engineering Design and Supervision, Implementation monitoring and evaluation Consultant of Letang Town Water supply and Sanitation Project, Letang-Bhogateni Municipality, Dhankuta Town Water supply and Sanitation Project, Dhankuta Municipality, Kakarvitta Urban Town Water Supply and Sanitation Project, Mechinager Municipality


Project Description

Dhankuta Municipality: The project aims to serve ward no 2-7 of Dhankuta Municipality, Dhankuta, Koshi Zone. Targeted population is 30,475 for design year 2030. The project bears augmentation of existing gravity flow systems and additions of pumping scheme by providing 2 stream intakes, grit chambers, roughing filters, sedimentation units, Slow sand filters, pumping stations, pumping mains, RCC ground reservoirs of 300, 125 and 50 m3 and 57 km of distribution network, electromechanically component with pumps and accessories designs, generator operator house, office building, boundary wall, bioengineering designs as live check dams, public toilet, surface drainage 2 km, road side drainage, private toilets 200 number, wicker works, turfing work etc.

The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project


Mechinagar Municipality (Kakarvitta): The project aims to serve ward no 7-13 of Mechinagar Municipality (Kakarvitta). Targeted population is 50,000 for design year 2030. The project bears 3 bore wells, multi grade filters, RCC reservoir OHT of 450m3 and 111.3 km of distribution network, Public toilets, surface and road side drainage 20 km, base ,sub-base and black top road 4 km, Office and guard house building, Report Presentation Workshops, Water tariff assessment, Geo-hydrology analysis, water quality assessment and Treatment Plant Design, GIS mapping, compensation, resettlement and relocation issues

The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC's contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan.


Letang Bhogateni Municipality: The project aims to serve ward no 1-9 of Letang Bhogateni Municipality, Morang. Targeted population is 40,441 for design year 2030. The project bears 2 borewells, 2 multigrade filters, RCC reservoir OHT of 225m3 and 90.85 km of distribution network, public toilets, solid waste and waste water management (Sludge drying bed with suction tank), private household toilet-300 number, Road side drainage 2km etc.


Charali Small Town: The service area of the project covers ward no. 1 to 9 of Charali Municipality and the total household in the project area was 2075 and present population is 10811. The project consists of RCC overhead tank, Ground Reservoir, household connections, deep boreholes, 54.763 km pipe length, treatment plant.


The project has been implemented on co-financing with WUSC’s contribution of 50% of the water supply component under ADB loan. Small Town Water Supply and Sanitation Sector Project is the first project of its kind in Nepal, based on Community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.