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Project Detail

Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Report Preparation, Preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Community participation Plan (CPP) of Following Roads Project: (i) Tharpu (Panchthar) – Sinam – Dandagaun – Tellok – Yamfudin Road (12.891 KM), (ii) Deurali (Suketar) – Fawakhola – Sikaicha – Tellok Road (13.122 KM).


Project Description

·         Review existing reports, mainly alignment standards and specification of the road sector related to assignment,

·         Choose economically feasible alignment within the study corridor

·         Pre pare the topographical map of the corridor

·         Conduct detail engineering survey of the alignment and its corridor,

·         Design the road detail,

·         Prepare working drawings and cost estimates  with analysis of rates,

·         Prepare detailed engineering (survey and design ) report,

·         Identify and predict the major environmental issues that may arise as a result of proposed  works and their likely impact on bio – physical, socio – economic and cultural environment of the project area,

·         Identify easily implementable mitigation measures for the negative environmental and social issues and suggest remedial plans,

·         Propose practical and site specific environmental mitigation and enhancement measures with preparation and implementation of Environmental Monitoring Action Plan (EMAP) for the project,

·         Preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Community Participation Plan (CPP).

·         Review existing reports, mainly alignment standards and specification of the road sector related to assignment,

·         Choose economically feasible alignment within the study corridor

·         Pre pare the topographical map of the corridor

·         Conduct detail engineering survey of the alignment and its corridor,

·         Design the road detail,

·         Prepare working drawings and cost estimates  with analysis of rates,

·         Prepare detailed engineering (survey and design ) report,

·         Identify and predict the major environmental issues that may arise as a result of proposed  works and their likely impact on bio – physical, socio – economic and cultural environment of the project area,

·         Identify easily implementable mitigation measures for the negative environmental and social issues and suggest remedial plans,

·         Propose practical and site specific environmental mitigation and enhancement measures with preparation and implementation of Environmental Monitoring Action Plan (EMAP) for the project,

·         Preparation of Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) and Community Participation Plan (CPP).
