The service area covers ward no 1-15 of Damak Municipality. Total HH was 5779 and population was 29403.The project consists of 26 m height and 450m3 capacity OHT, 84.08 km pipe length and treatment plants, 4.263 Km line of sewerage drain, Treatment Plant consisting of RBTs – 2 nos. with grit chamber, outfall structure, Public Toilet 2 nos. The water supply pipe size used in the project area of 350,300,280,250,200mm DI, GI and HDPE.
The service area covers ward no 1-5 of Phidim Municipality. Total HH was 1605 and population was 8521.The project consists of drainage of 2.5 Km Sewerage treatment plant, ground reservoir tank - 200 and 65 Cum, 53.629 km pipe length and treatment plants, Detail of water supply pipe size 350,280,250,220 DI, GI and HDPE.
The service area covers ward no 1-9 of Letang VDC. Total HH was 3238 and population was 16894.The project consists of drainage and sewerage line of 3.5 km, ground reservoir tank - 300 and 100 Cum, 64.132 km pipe length, Pipe size of 280, 250, 200mm of DI, GI and HDPE pipe and treatment plants.
- Topographical survey, alignment survey, traverses survey.
- SPT test for bearing capacity of the soil.
- GIS Mapping.
- Geo-Hydrological study.
- Compensation, Resettlement and Relocation plan
- Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
- Financial analysis of the project
- Detail Engineering design, working drawings, cost estimates, technical specification, and tender document preparation.
- Detailed design of water treatment plants
- Sewerage system design and drawings
- Preparation of reports, tender documents, specification, BOQ, Cost estimate, preparation of IEE ToR and Report etc.
Perform economic and financial evaluation and recommend water tariff in consultation with TDF, make ensure that the tariff will be sufficient to cover full operation and maintenance cost, system expansion cost and the capital cost required to pay back the loan through TDF.