The project is located at Amargadhi Municipality in Dadeldhura District in western development region Province No. 7. The Service area of the project covers ward no. 2, 4, 5, 8 of Amargadhi municipality. The total household in the project area is 1050 and 8325 population. The project consists of 1 no. of 300 cum ground reservoir, treatment plants (sedimentation tank, Roughening filter, slow sand filter), office building, guard house, 55.798 km pipeline (transmission-28.027 km and distribution-27.771 km), 1 public toilet etc.
The project has been implemented with WUSC 5% and TDF 25% loan & GoN 70% to the water supply component under ADB loan. The Project is based on Community participation and COST RECOVERY PRINCIPAL.